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Our Future

Bringing the power of edge computing like Azure IOT Edge, Azure Stack, Azure Functions, Cognitive Services & Commodity Cameras we are designing a POC (Proof of Concept) to demonstrate the power of AI & Cognitive services that will showcase what we are developing. We are in collaboration with Warren Barkley, who is the head of Microsoft AI in Seattle, to develop a solution that can be sold to retailers and governments around the world that will help stop and prevent theft.

Using the API's that Microsoft has released for Cognitive Services we are creating a product & service that will allow retailers to detect theft  before they happen by allowing objects and people recognition to be deployed in stores. Our POC will currently aim for "Make up products" like Ulta, Sephora and MAC stores. Theft within these stores are extremely high and with the help of our software they will be able to tag people who have stolen from there stores so that when that person comes back or near the store the cameras can pick up there face. Managers and authorities can be notified instantly. Using this Technology we plan to incorporate AI using BIG DATA analytics to detect behavior patterns within retail stores to help prevent shoplifting from both customers and internal employees. Essentially we would be creating a healthy fear to not steal once this POC is in place and functional.

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